November 9, 2023
Dear Sun Valley Residents:
This past Tuesday, the voters of the City of Sun Valley re-elected council members Jane Conard and Michelle Griffith to each serve another four-year term. As I stated in my support of their candidacy, both have been a vital part of the progress that we have made in the last several years, and I am very enthusiastic about their continued involvement and governance of Sun Valley. I look forward to working with Michelle and Jane as well as Brad Dufur and Keith Saks on the issues that will face us in the future.
One of the issues that the Planning & Zoning Commission will be considering is the rezoning of the Sagewillow parcel. The P&Z Commission meeting will be held on November 16th at 9:00 AM, and as always, public participation is greatly encouraged. Anticipating a broad participation of folks, a crowded house (with limited capacity), and a lively discussion of concerns and suggestions, please note that you can submit your public comments to be included in the public record via email to, or you may also attend virtually via Zoom. Please click here to view the submitted materials and click here to obtain information on attending the meeting.
At the November 2nd City Council meeting, we had the first reading of Ordinance 557 which, if adopted, would lower the speed limit on Elkhorn Road. The second reading and possible adoption of the Ordinance will be at the December 7th City Council meeting, and we again encourage public input and comments.
City staff will be looking at all of our roads over the next months to better understand our traffic patterns and potential problems dealing with increased vehicle traffic and pedestrian/bike use on our streets and paths. Safety is our number one priority and will inform all other decisions.
This is a citywide initiative to analyze and evaluate all of our roads in Sun Valley.
As you may be aware, there will be a large and lengthy Idaho Department of Transportation project on State Highway 75 that will begin this summer. It will certainly impact traffic in Sun Valley and have ramifications on the measures we will adopt to deal with the increased vehicle flow. We are monitoring the plans and progress of the project as they develop.
Also at the November 2nd meeting, council members voted to approve the contract with S&C Associates to move ahead with exploratory design and planning for a roundabout at the new world-famous blinking light intersection. More on that in the coming months. Again, as always, safety is our primary concern.
Ski season is only a few weeks away and we’re looking to enjoy another wonderful winter in our fair city.
A hearty thank you to all of the residents who made your voices heard by showing up and voting on Tuesday. People like you decide the future of our City. Please reach out if you have any concerns you’d like to share with us.