Public Safety
Sign up for Blaine County Emergency Alerts
To better secure your personal and property safety, homeowners and residents are encouraged to sign up with the Blaine County Emergency Alert Program to receive critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, and evacuation of buildings or neighborhoods.
Travel and Weather Alerts
Snow storm and severe weather may change road conditions leading to potential hazards for drivers. Travelers to Sun Valley are encouraged to access the Idaho Transportation Department website to check information on winter driving, road reports, weather stations and mountain passess. Alternatively, you may call 511 or 1-888-432-7623.
Identity Security
Identity theft that involves the use of another's personal information, such as credit card number, social security number and driver's license number to commit fraud or other crimes, is on the rise. Please visit the International Association of Chiefs of Police website for information on how to secure your identity safety.
You may help promote public safety and security by reporting any suspicious person and behavior.
Click to provide anonymous information.